The World of Galdor

Select a country within the lands of Galdor to discover more information and links to download tabletop terrain STLs

The World of Galdor
The Nation States of Alikandia The Mountain Tribes of Steinnjord The Nomadic Onishali Emperia: The Land of Ice and Snow People of the Reeds The Beacon of Bauga The Dwarf Kingdom of Naminia The Goblin Kingdom of Jun-Kar-Asid The Orc Empire of Ogmid The Wood Elves of Nylafjord Gnome Mines of the Iodel Badlands Desert Wastes of the Sand Elves The Mystery Schools of Heslensa The City of Relyard in Donland

The Nation States of Alikandia

The Greco-Roman inspired Nation States of Alikandia are lands where knowledge and philosophy are prized above all else, but the people's disputes are petty and plentiful.

Terrain from Alikandia includes temples, altars, palaces, arches, and more.

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The Mountain Tribes of Steinnjord

Dragons, wolves, and ravens are essential to the culture of the Mountain Tribes of Steinnjord, who make their homes in Galdor's glacial northern lands. Their meticulously crafted boats allow them to traverse the rivers and fjords of their homeland to explore, expand, and invade nearby lands.

Terrain from Viking-inspired Steinnjord includes long ships, huts, lodge, windmill, furnishings and more.

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The Nomadic Onishali

Very few permanent structures will be found throughout the wide, wild grasslands of the Onishali homeland. The nomadic horse lords who make the Steppes of Onishali their home have no need for permanence in their daily lives. However, there is one sacred ceremonial site hidden within the Onishali lands, where generations of warriors, queens, and soothsayers will return for the crowning of the land's new sovereign.

Terrain from the Steppes of Onishali includes a caravan, marketplace, tents, temple, furnishings, and more.

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Emperia: The Land of Ice and Snow

In the northermost reaches of Galdor lies the last true elven nation, home to the Ice Elves and the ultimate seat of elvish power in the land: Emperia! Here, in the frozen expanse of ice and snow, only the most brave and hearty adventurers will survive.

Terrain from Emperia includes ice castle, ice ruins, ice caves, temple, library, ice dwellings, scatter, and more.

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People of the Reeds

Inspired by the Uros people of Lake Titicaca, Galdor's People of the Reeds live on floating islands along the southwest coastline of Aland. They derive everything they need from harvesting the plentiful vegetation in the marshy waters, creating everything from their modest huts and seaworthy vessesls to the islands themselves out of woven reeds.

Terrain from People of the Reeds includes reed boats, huts, village dwellings, and more.

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The Beacon of Bauga

The Beacon of Bauga is an enormous lighthouse complex that straddles a volcanic rock formation, ominously nicknamed The Maw by the sailors of Galdor. Comprised of five major islands, the treacherous Maw is the only passage to Bromton Bay from the Gulf of Bomboras. The Beacon was built to aid ships as they pass through the narrow waterways of The Maw.

Terrain from the Beacon of Bauga includes an entire island chain of buildings with playable interiors and furnishings-- a lighthouse, airship supply depot, observation deck, fortress, and more.

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The Dwarf Kingdom of Naminia

Generations ago, a group of dwarves were abducted and enslaved in the jungles south of Aland. The dwarves eventually overthrew their opressors and, unable to return to their ancestral homes, built their own mountains in the form of enormous step-sided pyramids.

Terrain from Naminia includes several step pyramids, city walls, temples, boats, furnishings, and more.

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The Goblin Kingdom of Jun-Kar-Asid

The Goblins of Jun-Kar-Asid are a kingdom of slave-traders, who reside across The Barrens from the Orc Empire of Ogmid. The Barrens of Galdar are so named, because that wasteland which separates the goblin kingdom from their orc enemies is a constant battleground between the two groups, who are ever at war with one another.

Terrain from Jun-Kar-Asid includes a palace, marketplace, dwellings, prison, tavern and more.

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The Orc Empire of Ogmid

In the vast desert wasteland lies the unwelcoming oasis of Ogmid. Settled on the opposite side of The Barrens from their goblin enemies, these orcs are known for their comparatively mild temperament and productive matriarchal society.

Terrain from Ogmid includes a fortress, city gates, huts, apartment buildings, desert scatter, and more.

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The Wood Elves of Nylafjord

The Forest of Nylafjord was once a vast expanse of towering trees, sun kissed glades, and dazzling waterfalls. Much of what once was, is now a barren wasteland known as the Iodel badlands. In ages past, a meteorite the size of a mountain crashed to the surface of Galdor and rent the forest into two vastly different environments. North of the crater lies a sun baked and desolate desert that is inhabited by the twisted and dark Sand Elves, driven mad by the loss of their beloved trees. South of the crater, Wood Elves still inhabit what is left of the Forest of Nylafjord, fiercely guarding the remains of the landscape.

Terrain from Nylafjord includes many styles of treetop dwellings and other buildings, suspension bridges, docks, scenery, and more.

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Gnome Mines of the Iodel Badlands

Many moons ago, a massive meteorite crashed into the largest continent in Galdor, forever leaving its mark on the land. In the aftermath, the desolate badlands known as Iodel eventually became thriving mining communities. The Gnomes of Iodel spend their days toiling in their mines for the infamous "star metal."

Terrain from the Iodel Badlands includes mining buildings, mine shaft, factory buildings, dwellings, and more.

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Desert Wastes of the Sand Elves

The sand elves are descendants of wood elves who were tragically ripped from their ancient homes after a meteorite devastated the world of Galdor. Removed from their sacred Tjerfragg trees, the wood elves were driven mad, quickly devolving into barbaric tribal nomads now known as Galdor's Sand Elves. These elves traverse the desert wastelands aboard their mighty sand skiffs, seeking riches and slaves, destroying and looting anything they come into contact with.

Terrain from the Desert Wastes of the Sand Elves includes several varied skiffs and vessels, ruins, camps, and more.

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The Mystery Schools of Heslensa

On the mysterious island of Heslensa, a centuries-old community is rumored to exist, its sole purpose the training of magic users. Only the extremely lucky and extraordinarily talented will be invited to study and practice magic here.

Terrain from the Mystery Schools of Heslensa includes many mystical buildings, halls, scenery, and more.

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The City of Relyard in Donland

In the center of Donland, Relyard is a thriving city with many varied inhabitants. Here, you can find a quiet meal and a place to rest for the night, a lively drink in a pub, places to purchase wares and provisions of all sorts, and a wonderful starting point for your next adventure.

Terrain from the City of Relyard includes many medieval style buildings, shops, scenery, and more.

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