Meet The Artist: Brock Potter
I am a professional artist and creator with decades of experience designing, building, and bringing to life concepts and constructions great and small.
Stemming from a childhood passion for miniatures and model making, my career has grown immensely over the years in both depth of knowledge and scale of creation. I discovered the magic of models and miniatures the first time I saw a spaceship move across the screen in Star Wars, and instantly knew I had to start making them myself. My earliest creations were LEGO structures and tabletop war games miniatures, and the more I learned, the bigger my ideas grew. I left the American Midwest in my twenties for the bright lights of Hollywood, and obtained a film degree from Brooks Institute. I spent the next 14 years working in the film industry developing and fabricating sets, props, models, and more.
During that time, I also taught myself CAD, which introduced me to the world of design. As I became more experienced in design work, 3D printing was next on my list to master.
While attending college as a single father, I met my future wife Melissa. After I graduated, we married and now have 4 children together. We are currently living in sunny Southern California. My five children are my most rewarding creations, who inspire and hinder my work in almost equal measure.
In 2020, I found myself frustrated with my work in the film industry and with a lot of extra time on my hands, so I decided it was a perfect opportunity to invest more effort into my passions and turn my knowledge and skills into my own business. I will be sharing numerous How-To videos explaining the basics of what I do, and create a collaborative community of makers where I can share my knowledge and creations and continue to grow and develop my skills.
Please visit my Company Profile page to learn more about Imagin3Designs.